About us
We are a gathering of Christians called together by the Holy Spirit to follow Christ: loving, growing, serving. We are a part of the Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana Mission Area of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Ever since the Spirit first gathered the congregation called Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church in 1947 we have met together for weekly worship and regular mission work. Close to our heart is service in the name of Jesus in the community. Our food pantry has been in operation for over 40 years and these days God regularly feeds 200 people a month through it. We build ramps for those who need accessibility to their homes, and we sew cancer caps for the Harrington Cancer Center. We eat lunch with elementary school students at Landergin Elementary School, deliver Meals on Wheels every Wednesday, and help pack Snack Packs to feed thousands of children in Amarillo.
Visitors and longtime members experience our congregation to be a warm and welcoming community that is safe for children and older adults alike. In many ways we are an intergenerational family with new cousins and friends who are regularly welcomed into the family. There is room for you and your friends in this congregation.
The most important thing we do is worship God on Sunday mornings at 9:30am. The services include Holy Communion, preaching, prayers, and a sermon on the day's scripture. We sing hymns and liturgy, and are sent forth from worship to live the faith in our daily lives of ministry.
Join us on Sundays for worship, or connect with one of our groups for mission or discipleship.
Congregational History
Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, was organized in the southwest part of Amarillo on September 28, 1947 with eleven charter members. Since the first church site was in the path of a new freeway (I-27), a new sanctuary and education wing was built at 3500 Bowie in 1957. Additions to the building have been: additional Sunday School space in 1961; a Fellowship Hall in 1976; an enlarged chancel and narthex in 1987; and a Family Activity Center in 2000.
Beautiful Savior has been served by eight senior pastors: Daniel Schorlemer (1947-1961); Orris Sougstad (1963-1970); David Heidtke (1970-1979); Darrel Gilbertson (1980-1989); Charles Meyer (1989-2010); Stephen Friedrich (2011-2015); and Steve Brauner and Wendi Gordon (2017-2020). We have also had one associate pastor, Jeffrey Jahn (1978-1980) and two interns, Scott Jorgenson (1976-1977) and John Backus (1977-1987). Four members of Beautiful Savior have become pastors: Fred Nelson, Glen Frank, Gary Goodson, and Terry Adkins.